The beginning of the PSL&V layout

Train room is coming together now after all these years. I will be starting benchwork construction soon.

Tiling the room was a big job. It will keep the concrete floor from dusting and finish the room.

This view of the 1909 roundhouse is 5' across. Here you can see the entrances between buildings, A and B. Building C which is almost half the area will be cutout to allow viewing and the isle-way.   

Pueblo Roundhouse building "A "Crane building 15 stalls

This is the mock-up of the 1909 building.

 I'm using the Walthers 130' turntable instead of a 100' that was on the plans I found.

the roundhouse is 5' across. Here you see A &B buildings.

Challenger locomotive on the 130'turntable gives you an idea of how big this engine house will be.

This is not the location of the roundhouse. In fact you are looking at the under table loop to gain elevation to the finish layout level.


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